Optimize rigor, discipline, and structure in Drilling processes

An Independent Oil and Gas company operating in the Permian Basin was experiencing rapid expansion in Drilling activity while also attempting to fill key positions in Management and Engineering. They recognized the need for greater rigor, discipline, and structure in their Drilling processes.



Identified five items for improvement

  1. Spud to TD cycle times were on average ten days longer than best-composite well performance
  2. Data recording was inconsistent and sometimes absent, making data analysis problematic
  3. Accountabilities and responsibilities were unclear, particularly in the field, causing overlaps and gaps
  4. Drilling Engineers were overloaded while Company Men were underutilized, creating an obstacle to scalability
  5. No consistent ‘Company Way’ or methodology for basic management and supervisory practices and tools
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We focused on 3 areas of impact

Implemented a “closed-loop” management operating system consisting of meetings, reports, and KPIs to control activities, performance, and costs through critical gates in the Drilling process.

Designed and installed an objective scorecard for evaluating rig performance that aligned with the client’s goals.

Drilling Processes: Developed a Best Composite Well process aligned to drilling stages, AOI (areas of interest), and Zones to drive continuous improvement in drilling performance.

Improved Rig Move cycle time through implementing a structured “Rig Move on Paper” process.

Created a Workflow Tracker utilizing gate management principles to control lead times for all inputs Pre-Spud, eliminating delays, bottlenecks, and optimizing resources.

Field Operations: Implemented a Daily Well Planner Tool and standardized Tour Changes and Hitch Change Meetings.

Streamlined data entry and lost time capture in the field, enabling After Action Reviews and continuous improvement.


All delivered with a 16.5:1 Return on Investment

Annualized Savings
0 M
Able to be drilled annually with the same fleet
0 wells
Cumulative drilling days saved over the life of the project
Average reduction in drilling cycle time
0 days

The ArMur project has definitely helped us accelerate our results by adding rigor, discipline, and structure to processes that were already very good.

VP Operations


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